
TIME We provide legally defensible reports in a timely manner
SCOPE  We adhere to the scope to keep it focused
COST Our solutions deliver high-quality results that are mindfully cost-effective

Delivering Expert Solutions with Global Reach and Local Expertise


  • Insurance Fraud
  • Disability Claims
  • WSIB Claim
  • Auto BI & SAB claims
  • Tort litigation
  • Slip and Fall
  • Product liability

Due Diligence

Is an essential tool for any company to assist in protecting your bottom line and mitigate your risk. The time and resources spent will allow you to make properly informed decisions by uncovering all relevant information on individuals and corporations. Whether hiring for a position of trust, or contemplating mergers and acquisitions, we can provide you with the perspective and intelligence needed to make an informed decision, while managing your reputational risk.

  • Intellectual Property
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Background Investigations
  • Financial Investigations
  • Employee Screening


We approach all investigations utilizing a critical intelligence-based model.   Our work product contains essential elements, that are key to your case and lay the foundation in any investigative project, and ensure it is defensible. We know intelligence matters.

  • Locates
  • Interviews / Statements
  • Litigation support
  • Death Claims – Foreign & Domestic
  • Executive Integrity

Workplace Investigations

Unresolved or unaddressed conflict in the workplace breeds a host of untenable working conditions that can cause psychological harm to employees, disruptions to productivity, expensive, lengthy lawsuits, and negative publicity for employers.

At Reed Research, we know how disruptive and costly these conflicts can be. We exceed industry standards for investigator competency. We offer experienced, certified, trauma-informed workplace investigators committed to conducting fair and impartial investigations for your workplace.

  • Trauma-Informed
  • Workplace Harassment
  • Workplace Sexual Harassment
  • Bullying
  • Discrimination
  • Pertinent Legislation
  • Qualified Person
  • Workplace Assessments
  • Workplace Restorations


Open Source INTelligence is the application of utilizing various open-source databases, resources and publicly facing information to enhance your investigation. From government databases that can help identify and corroborate information, to social media posts that can document activities and associates not normally discovered through traditional surveillance methods. We ensure leading edge sources and methods applying forensic best practices to ensure that content is actionable and court defensible.

  • Open Source Intelligence
  • Social Media
  • Evidence Preservation
  • Litigation Searches
  • News Paper Archives
  • Deep Web
  • Dark Web
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Anton Piller Orders

An Anton Piller Order  is a form of civil search warrant which allows the plaintiff to enter the defendant’s premise in response to a civil action. This is completed to ensure evidence and records are preserved and not destroyed. These orders are considered highly intrusive, and applications are made on an ex parte basis. The objective is to prevent unscrupulous defendants from circumventing the court’s processes by destroying or disposing of possible ill-gotten gains or evidence. Given the ramifications of getting this wrong, you need the right people. Our team has extensive, court approved, precedent setting experience in this highly sensitive process. Typically, these are assisted by Due Diligence, Surveillance, and often other court orders such as Norwich order (tracing) and Mareva injunction (freezing) for financial resources.
  • Open Source Intelligence
  • Social Media
  • Evidence Preservation
  • Litigation Searches
  • News Paper Archives
  • Deep Web
  • Dark Web

Executive protection

Your people are your most valuable asset, and their safety is paramount. We can provide vigilant eyes and ears while you focus on an event, your business, or just try to relax. Through threat assessments, site evaluation, route planning and risk mitigation we ensure this can take place. Whether it is a high-risk termination or a globe-travelling executive, we can provide professional drivers, close protective details/escorts and covert surveillance to protect your most valuable assets.
  • Event Coordination
  • Risk Evaluation
  • Executive transportation

Schedule a consultation

We would be pleased to review your case at your convenience, with no charge for the initial consultation.